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If you would like to become involved in the research project looking at benefiting the production planning and project management aspects of ETO manufacturers or are interested in receiving a copy of the report detailing the main results of the study then fill in the form below. The form can also be used if you have any suggestions or enquiries in the general area of engineer to order manufacturing, production planning or project management that you would like to submit to 4engineer to order manufacturer manufacturing production planning project management ERP system EDM PDMETO .


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The 4engineer to order manufacturer manufacturing production planning project management ERP system EDM PDMETO web site is being used to fulfil three purposes, firstly, it is a vehicle to recruit engineer to order manufacturers to take part in the research project concerned with improving how ETO manufacturing companies plan production and manage their jobs / projects. Secondly, the 4engineer to order manufacturer manufacturing production planning project management ERP system EDM PDMETO web site is being used a means of disseminating the results of the research project as well as good practices employed by successful engineer-to-order manufacturers. Thirdly, the 4engineer to order manufacturer manufacturing production planning project management ERP system EDM PDMETO site will be developed into a portal site for ETO manufacturers.

While completing the form is best, you can alternatively make contact via email to:





Please contact Austen Jones with any questions, comments or suggestions.

Last Updated: 27-Mar-2008