Change Management: Implementation of an Online Delivery Tracking SystemGuest lecture about managing change / change management in a UK SME: Implementation of a micro SCM system / Onlne Delivery Tracking System
• Austen Jones• Leeds Metropolitan University• Saftronics Ltdwebsite: Structure• Overview of Saftronics and its Products• Explain how Production is undertaken highlighting importance of Metalwork• Outline Metalwork ordering process• Problems associated with Metalwork• How problems have been reduced• Lessons learned from the implementation• Conclusions
About Saftronics Ltd…• Established 1979• Management buyout 2001• 130 staff• 33,000sq ft factory• £7-8m turnover
About the Products…• MCCs / Control panels• Assembled rather than ‘manufactured’• Products are ‘unique’• Assembled from standard parts• 12 week delivery time• Average order ~£20kAbout the Products…
• Large metal cabintes comprising metal doors and wired metal backplates populated with electrical components• Production unable to start until the metalwork items have been delivered from the supplier• Production of the metalwork items is the task on the critical path of each job that has the longest lead timeMetalwork Ordering Process…
Metalwork Process Problems…
Metalwork Problems…• metalwork delivered late• metalwork not delivered complete• unknown what will be delivered when• unknown what is outstanding• no measures in placeMetalwork Improvement Opportunities…
Ensuring on-time deliveries…• Control of Paint process given to SupplierØ Agreed realistic delivery datesØ Pay Supplier on 30 days rather than 60 daysØ Pay Supplier a modest ‘management fee’Ø Supplier became accountable for delivery date adherenceØ Supplier fined for late deliveries:Ø£100 one off charge (per late job)Ø1% order value per day
Tracking Delivery Performance…• New system needed to:Ø Record when metalwork orders are placed!Ø Record Actual delivery datesØ Be easily accessible to a variety of peopleØ Be up-to-date and centralisedØ Track individual parts rather than just jobsØ Provide accurate information for Planning purposes to both partiesØ Be accepted by the users!
• Database system + Web-based access
Tools Used & Assistance…• Database: MS Access 2002• Web interface: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX• Domain name and web hosting: Ltd
Screen Shots – Performance Indicators…
Implementation & Change Management… What I did Wrong!Implementation & Change Management… Lessons Learned!
Implementation & Change Management… What I did Right!
Conclusions about Managing Change…• Easily accessible and editable information held centrally is a boon as it provides the Planning functions with up to date, relevant and visible information that enables informed decisions to be made.• Enables meaningful planning of jobs• Delivery performance measurement now possible• System implemented successfully… but later than expected.• Importance of mistakes and reflection.Acknowledgements…B O’Toole & D WebbLeeds MetJ RobinsonSaftronics Ltd
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